Brodsko – Posavska county

The role of the Brodsko – Posavska county as a unit of regional government is as follows: regional project promotion, promotion of national and international business networks and cooperation, and support for entrepreneurs in the process of merging into a regional cluster. The Brodsko-Posavska county possesses relevant human, material and financial resources for the successful implementation of these activities.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod, as a key regional educational and research center in the field of mechanical engineering, participates in the development and implementation of Program of business support for Technology Incubator; definition and implementation of training programs and technology services; promoting the project at regional, national and international level. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has relevant human, material and financial resources for the successful implementation of these activities.

Industrial - Crafts School in Nova Gradiška

The Nova Gradiška Industrial and Crafts School is involved in organizing the TIN technical support structure and programs and in the promotion of the project.

Tera Tehnopolis d.o.o.

Tera Tehnopolis d.o.o. provides internationalization services through EEN, provides intellectual property protection services, supports youth entrepreneurship development, includes students, implements educational programs and promotes the project. The company will provide services to entrepreneurs at the Technology Incubator Nova Gradiška as well as entrepreneurs in a virtual incubator in targeted areas.

The Croatian Chamber of Economy, Zagreb (Region chamber of Slavonski Brod),

As project associate, it will promote the project in the regional level and promote national and international business networks and cooperation. HGK has relevant human, material and financial resources, and the appropriate network for the successful implementation of these activities.

The Chamber of Crafts, chamber Brodsko - Posavska county

Will promote the project at the regional level and promote of national and international business networks and cooperation. HOK has relevant human, material and financial resources, and an appropriate network for the successful implementation of these activities.

The Center for Advanced Engineering of Nova Gradiška doo (CEKOM)

Will stimulate economic development through the application of research and development and commercialization of innovation in the business sector, participate in establishing technology services in the field of advanced engineering, provide professional business support and participate in promoting the project at regional, national and international level. It is planned that CEKOM has access to relevant human, material and financial resources for the successful implementation of these activities.

Technology incubator Nova Gradiška

II. Industrijski odvojak 2

 35400 Nova Gradiška

+385 35 359 911,

Centar za tehnološki razvoj
Centar za razvoj Brodsko-posavske županije d.o.o.

Trg pobjede 26a,

35000 Slavonski Brod

+385 35 637 200,

Nova Gradiška
City Nova Gradiška

Trg kralja Tomislava 1

35400 Nova Gradiška

+385 35 366 080,

Amblem EU
ESI logotip_boja_manji

Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost poduzeća Industrijski park Nova Gradiška d.o.o.

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.